Sunlighten Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna

An infrared sauna uses infrared heaters to emit infrared radi­ant heat which is absorbed direct­ly into the human body, unlike tra­di­tion­al saunas which heat the body indi­rect­ly via air or steam.

The infrared spec­trum con­sists of near (NIR), mid (MIR), and far (FIR) waves, each with dis­tinct char­ac­ter­is­tics and fre­quen­cy ranges.

Near infrared (NIR) is the short­est infrared wave­length and pen­e­trates the skin’s sur­face more effec­tive­ly than the oth­er two. Sci­en­tif­ic research shows that when deliv­ered at the vital wave­length of 880nm with­out extreme heat or light, NIR pro­motes skin renew­alcell healthwound heal­ing, and tis­sue growth.

Mid infrared (MIR) is a longer wave­length that can pen­e­trate deep­er into the body’s soft tis­sue where inflam­ma­tion occurs. MIR helps expand blood ves­sels and increas­es cir­cu­la­tion, so more oxy­gen can reach injured areas of the body. This reduces pain and speeds the heal­ing process.

The longest wave­length, far infrared (FIR), reach­es deep­est into the body, where tox­ins are stored. By rais­ing your core body tem­per­a­ture, FIR stim­u­lates the sweat glands, result­ing in a deep, detox­i­fy­ing sweat that leaves you feel­ing revi­tal­ized. Plus, since sweat­ing increas­es heart rate, car­diac out­put, and meta­bol­ic rate, you’re also burn­ing calories.

Solo­car­bon Heater

Our sauna uses a solo­car­bon heater which is the most proven effec­tive infrared heater around and is rec­om­mend­ed by more doc­tors than any oth­er heater. Con­ven­tion­al and oth­er infrared sauna heaters oper­ate at a sur­face tem­per­a­ture between 200°F and 1000°F. Our solo­car­bon heaters oper­ate at a low 100° — 200°F. More of the vital infrared light ener­gy is emit­ted at a low­er sur­face tem­per­a­ture. This leads to pain relief, bet­ter cir­cu­la­tion, and more effec­tive detoxification.

Choose from the following programs:

Detox­i­fi­ca­tion: 37 minute program

Relax­ation: 40 minute program

Anti-Aging: 30 minute program

Car­dio­vas­cu­lar: 45 minute program

Weight Loss: 30 minute program

Pain Relief: 30 minute program

Immune Sup­port: 60 minute program

Wil­low Tree Well­ness Cen­ter Begin­ners Ses­sion: 20 minute program


  • Boosts the body’s metabolism
  • Recharges the cell’s mitochondria
  • Stim­u­lates white blood cell production
  • Reduces body fat
  • Pro­motes cell regeneration
  • Reduces inflam­ma­tion with­in the body
  • Improves cir­cu­la­tion
  • Increas­es wound healing
  • Reju­ve­nates the skin
  • Eas­es mus­cle and joint pain
  • Improves flex­i­bil­i­ty
  • Pro­vides anti-aging benefits
  • Improves heart health and longevity
  • Aids in detox­i­fi­ca­tion of chem­i­cals and heavy metals
  • Assists in ath­let­ic recovery
  • Strength­ens the immune system
  • Improves sleep
  • Increas­es stress resilience

Infrared saunas work by pen­e­trat­ing joints, mus­cles, and tis­sues, increas­ing cir­cu­la­tion and improv­ing oxy­gen flow. By calm­ing the nerve end­ings, infrared reduces mus­cle spasms and helps the body heal itself, naturally.

Infrared saunas heat your core to help expel tox­ins rather than sim­ply heat­ing the ambi­ent air to draw them out. Reg­u­lar use will pro­vide a deep, pro­duc­tive sweat where tox­ins reside, at the cel­lu­lar lev­el.  Rid­ding the body of these tox­ins may help relieve symp­toms, pre­vent future ill­ness, and increase over­all health and vitality.

Infrared light has the abil­i­ty to pen­e­trate human tis­sue which in turn pro­duces a host of anti-aging health ben­e­fits, mak­ing infrared saunas one of the most effec­tive ther­a­pies for over­all health­i­er living.

Heat your mus­cles with infrared rays and pro­duce an increase in blood flow sim­i­lar to reg­u­lar exer­cise. The ele­va­tion in body tem­per­a­ture pro­duces an increase in blood flow that mir­rors a car­dio­vas­cu­lar work­out. Reg­u­lar infrared sauna use has been shown to sig­nif­i­cant­ly stim­u­late blood flow; even after your sauna ses­sion is com­plet­ed.  Anoth­er ben­e­fit of improved cir­cu­la­tion is quick mus­cle recov­ery. The increased cir­cu­la­tion from infrared heat reduces inflam­ma­tion, decreas­es pain, and speeds healing.

Stim­u­lat­ing the cir­cu­la­to­ry sys­tem caus­es the heart to beat more vig­or­ous­ly and blood ves­sels to dilate, which help cleanse the cir­cu­la­to­ry sys­tem and more ful­ly oxy­genate the body’s cells. Bet­ter blood cir­cu­la­tion means more tox­ins flow from the cel­lu­lar lev­el to the skins sur­face to improve cell health, aid in mus­cle recov­ery and strength­en the immune system.

Infrared saunas use shows a reduc­tion in sys­tolic and dias­tolic blood pres­sure. Both are key fac­tors in main­tain­ing a healthy heart.

Before and After

Before the session:

Take care not to over­heat dur­ing your first few ses­sions. Remem­ber, if you feel uncom­fort­able, sim­ply end your ses­sion ear­ly. As the body con­tin­ues to adjust, sweat­ing can increase dra­mat­i­cal­ly and body tem­per­a­ture reg­u­la­tion becomes more effective.

After the session:

After the ses­sion is over most peo­ple find them­selves relaxed and invig­o­rat­ed at the same time. When the sauna shuts off your body does­n’t know that your ses­sion is over and will con­tin­ue to burn calo­ries as it cools itself down and reg­u­lates tem­per­a­ture. You should not show­er imme­di­ate­ly after a sauna ses­sion as you will want to fin­ish your sweat and let the body cool down nat­u­ral­ly. Now is the time to replen­ish your sys­tem by drink­ing lots of nat­ur­al spring water or non-caf­feinat­ed herbal teas. You will want to avoid alco­hol and caf­feine imme­di­ate­ly after a sauna ses­sion because they will fur­ther dehy­drate your body.

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