
What Our Cus­tomers Are Saying

I would like to say THANK YOU for all your help with my lab test­ing and sup­ple­ments. I’m excit­ed to get start­ed on my pro­to­col so I can get on the road to bet­ter health. I feel hope­ful and grate­ful. Thank you again and God bless! ‑Regi­na Y.

I remem­ber walk­ing into Wil­low Tree Well­ness Cen­ter feel­ing inflamed, tired, and bloat­ed. I was search­ing for an answer to the symp­toms I was con­stant­ly bat­tling. I made my first colon hydrother­a­py appoint­ment and was hop­ing this could be the answer I was look­ing for.

The first ses­sion blew my mind. I could­n’t believe the accu­mu­la­tion of waste and par­a­sites that had been bur­den­ing my body. I walked out of the well­ness cen­ter feel­ing like a brand new per­son. I felt light, clean, ener­getic, alert, and happy…after ONE session.

As I con­tin­ued my colon hydrother­a­py ses­sions, Amy taught me about gut health, par­a­sites, and diet. Every week I felt bet­ter and bet­ter. I con­tin­ued to see improve­ments to my over­all health. Peo­ple com­ment­ed that I looked dif­fer­ent too!

If any­one has ever felt the way I did before try­ing colon hydrother­a­py, I strong­ly encour­age you enough to con­sid­er it for your­self. I haven’t yet “arrived” to the des­ti­na­tion of my health jour­ney but I am feel­ing so much bet­ter and I know I’m on my way to com­plete heal­ing. ‑Lori J. 

Your mas­sage are great! I feel so much bet­ter after­wards. May God bless you. ‑Rose S.

I was appre­hen­sive when I first arrived.  My doc­tor had rec­om­mend­ed colon hydrother­a­py (colonic) because I had been on opi­ates for over 15 years and my upper abdomen had remained stiff.  My wife com­plained that it was like sleep­ing with a rock between us.

The own­er was VERY sen­si­tive to my appre­hen­sion and explained the pro­ce­dure though­ly.  It did­n’t feel ter­ri­ble and my anx­i­ety eased.  

I was impressed by the pro­fes­sion­al staff as well as the feel­ing of hav­ing a soft abdomen after 15+ years.  As I was begin­ning to leave, I was offered a revi­tal­iz­ing con­coc­tion in a hand thrown pot­tery mug.  

The expe­ri­ence as a whole was much dif­fer­ent than I imag­ined.  If you are think­ing of mak­ing an appoint­ment now, do it.  Call them.  They do have a wait­ing list.  After you’re done, you will think to your­self “Now, I am glad I did­n’t wait!” ‑Ger­ald W. 

I have been to Amy for colon hydrother­a­py and can­not say enough good things about both the ther­a­py and the cen­ter. It is a won­der­ful loca­tion and is beau­ti­ful­ly peace­ful. Amy puts you at ease and is warm and friend­ly. The colon hydrother­a­py is explained in detail and the pro­ce­dure is dis­crete and calm. Leaves you feel­ing clean on the inside! High­ly rec­om­mend this cen­ter, staff and ther­a­py. ‑Karen B.

I receive mas­sages by Amy and she does a great job! I’ve been see­ing her for a cou­ple years and I haven’t gone to any­one else because she is so great!  She is very effec­tive in deliv­er­ing relief for my aches and pains! ‑Col­by S.


Amy is awe­some! I have got­ten a mas­sage from her many times over the last few months. She does an amaz­ing job at mak­ing her clients feel com­fort­able and relaxed, and helps to relieve the ten­sion that I con­stant­ly car­ry in my neck, shoul­ders, and upper back. She gen­uine­ly cares about the well being of her clients. ‑Kelsey A. 


Just had a great mas­sage with Amy! She is always very cheer­ful and real­ly lis­tens to client needs. You can tell that she is pas­sion­ate about what she does because she is will­ing to accom­mo­date for every client to make your treat­ment spe­cial­ized for any of your needs. By far the best mas­sage I have ever had, and will def­i­nite­ly being going back! ‑Jor­dan J. 

Amy has been my well­ness coach for the last 4 months or so, and it’s been such an amaz­ing jour­ney! She’s uplift­ing, moti­vat­ing, kind, and help­ful. Her coach­ing has helped me to get back on track food wise, lose weight, and feel bet­ter about every part of myself! Thank you for all that you do, Amy!!! ‑Lori T. 

Amy has been my health coach now for 4 months.  I came to a point in my life where I need­ed to make a change in my lifestyle to sup­port a more healthy me.  I could not quite fig­ure out for a while, why this coach­ing was help­ing me.  I then fig­ured it out. Amy is pos­i­tive and sup­port­ive, not a neg­a­tive word, all sup­port and helps you to focus on the pos­i­tive.  This is so moti­vat­ing.  I have become a health­i­er per­son because of her sup­port over these past 4 months and I hope to con­tin­ue to meet with her.  My lab val­ues have improved, my weight has decreased and my activ­i­ty lev­el increased.  I did a 10K, and I am 59 years old, it was my first one.   She is so sup­port­ive, and I could not have done all of this with­out her con­tin­ued coach­ing and sup­port. ‑Geor­giana Q. 

Absolute­ly the best mas­sages and health tips for your own well being ! They have real­ly helped my her­ni­at­ed disc a lot . High­ly rec­om­mend­ed mas­sage ther­a­pist and con­sul­tant! ‑Myron J.


I enjoyed my first mas­sage this evening. The atmos­phere is very relax­ing. I would high­ly rec­om­mend vis­it­ing the well­ness cen­ter. There are many oth­er ser­vices avail­able that I would love to try. ‑Ste­vi S. 


…for all you’ve done for me the last sev­er­al months! You’ve inspired me to live a health­i­er lifestyle! I feel great and had it not been for your cheer­ful, opti­mistic encour­age­ment I may not have made the healthy changes I did. Thank you! ‑Delores M. 

I just would like every­one to know what a great job Miri­am has done. I have had two mas­sages with her so far, and they have been awe­some! I am an old­er run­ner and long miles add up to very sore mus­cles. I had a long run (18 miles) last Sat­ur­day. Todays appoint­ment took all of that away and made me ready for my next run.
Great job Miri­am! ‑Mark B.

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