Are you looking for a safe, effective screening option for breast health or your overall health? Are you on the fence with getting a mammogram but still want to be proactive with your preventative health?
Thermography might be the answer you’re looking for.
Thermography is a non-invasive, no pain, no contact, no radiation technology that provides information on the vascular and cellular activity of the area being imaged. Because there is no radiation and no negative side-effects, it can be performed as often as needed for monitoring purposes.
One of the most important benefits of thermography is that it can be used as a preventative strategy to breast health because it can detect early signs of abnormal activity in the breast tissue. It is also a useful tool for monitoring the progress and effectiveness of treatments.
Thermography measures heat, which, when assessed in the body, is a function of the superficial circulation. Circulation is affected through the formation of new blood cells, vassal dilation, and inflammation. Though each of these three factors can be a sign of cancer or pre-cancer, they are not taken as stand-alone data in assessing risk.
- FULL BODY SCAN: $440 (60 min booking time)
- MEN’S HALF BODY SCAN: $300 (60 min booking time)
- WOMEN’S HEALTH CHECK SCAN: $330 (60 min booking time)
- IMMUNE HEALTH CHECK SCAN: $200 (30 min booking time) *can be added to any scan for only $120
- BREAST SCAN: $200 (30 min booking time)
Early Detection Saves Lives!
Disclosure: Thermography reports generated from images are intended for use by trained health care providers to assist in evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. It is not intended to be used by individuals for self-evaluation or self diagnosis.