Abdominal Therapy


Are you struggling with digestive troubles, painful periods, fertility issues, pelvic problems, chronic back pain or sacral issues? 

Abdom­i­nal Ther­a­py might be the answer you are look­ing for.

This is an exter­nal, non-inva­sive manip­u­la­tion, which facil­i­tates the move­ment of the inter­nal organs to regain and retain their nat­ur­al posi­tion in the abdom­i­nal cav­i­ty. This ther­a­peu­tic process can help bring renewed flow of blood, lymph, nerve, and chi, all of which are nec­es­sary for opti­mal health. 

Through dai­ly activ­i­ties and trau­ma, inter­nal organs can shift from their nat­ur­al posi­tion. This can express itself in a vari­ety of ways, such as vari­cose veins, PMS, depres­sion, fre­quent uri­na­tion, incon­ti­nence, chron­ic con­sti­pa­tion, low back ache, painful peri­ods and dif­fi­cult menopause.

This can also help cor­rect pro­lapsed, fall­en, tilt­ed or tipped uterus in women. Ben­e­fits for men include the pre­ven­tion and alle­vi­a­tion of benign prostate enlarge­ment, as well as relief of many com­mon diges­tive disorders.

So why would a uterus end up in a less than ide­al posi­tion? 

Uterus posi­tion­ing can be affect­ed by many things. It can be some­thing sim­ple such as pos­tur­al habits of pre­fer­ring one side when stand­ing or sit­ting. It can be caused by a phys­i­cal trau­ma to the pelvis (falling, a bike injury, or car acci­dent). It can also be an emo­tion­al trau­ma that caus­es extra ten­sions in the mus­cles of your core and psoas. It can also be heavy ath­let­ic train­ing that caus­es extra mus­cu­lar ten­sion and pain.

Most of us have expe­ri­enced at least one of these in our life­time. All these can affect the posi­tion of your uterus. 
Abdom­i­nal Ther­a­py can help.

Sup­port your repro­duc­tive, diges­tive and struc­tur­al con­cerns — includ­ing infer­til­i­ty, men­stru­al con­di­tions, fibroids, endometrio­sis, GERD, IBS, Crohn’s dis­ease, adhe­sions, scar­ring, con­sti­pa­tion, chron­ic fatigue, migraines and chron­ic pain with Abdom­i­nal Ther­a­py. This can sup­port embod­i­ment, inte­gra­tion and the release of all man­ner of trauma. 

Abdom­i­nal Ther­a­py was found­ed by Dr. Rosi­ta Arvi­go. She spent 13 years in the Mayan jun­gle as an appren­tice to Don Eli­jio Pan­ti. Don Eli­jio was a Belizean tra­di­tion­al heal­er and used herbs and a sim­ple mas­sage to address many of the ail­ments that showed up at his clinic.

Dr Rosi­ta want­ed to bet­ter under­stand why the mas­sage was so effec­tive and so she devot­ed many years to fur­ther research. She dis­cov­ered that it worked by remov­ing the obstruc­tions to blood, lymph, ner­vous sys­tem and ener­gy flow. By unwind­ing the knots in our tis­sues, all of the things that organs need to func­tion opti­mal­ly start to flow again and heal­ing can occur.

It’s a sim­ple con­cept. The organs need blood flow to hydrate and feed the cells. They need lymph flow to dis­solve and car­ry away waste. They need com­mu­ni­ca­tion from the brain and oth­er organs to oper­ate effi­cient­ly. Loos­en­ing the ten­sion removes the obstruc­tions and every­thing can flow again.

The results can seem magical.…that mag­ic is your body remem­ber­ing how to func­tion and heal.

Opti­mal Birth Ther­a­py pre­pares a moth­er’s body for birth. This can make the birthing process short­er and eas­i­er and reduce per­ineal tear­ing. It incor­po­rates sacrum manip­u­la­tion so that when the birthing process begins, the tail­bone is a mobile pelvic out­let. This results in less trau­ma and bet­ter health for mom and baby.




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