Holistic Health

What Is Holistic Health?

The word holis­tic means “deal­ing with the whole.” Holis­tic health involves the well­ness of the whole per­son. A holis­tic prac­ti­tion­er will treat not only the phys­i­cal ail­ment or con­di­tion, but also the emo­tion­al, men­tal and even spir­i­tu­al aspects that aggra­vate the condition.

The goal of holis­tic med­i­cine is to find and treat the under­ly­ing cause of any ill­ness. This is done through under­stand­ing that all body sys­tems are inter­con­nect­ed and that each plays a vital role in the func­tion of every other.

We believe that it is essen­tial that the least harm­ful means nec­es­sary is used in treat­ing a per­son and that the body has an innate pow­er to heal itself if the obsta­cles to heal­ing are removed. 

A holis­tic approach to well­ness has numer­ous benefits: 

  • A tai­lored treat­ment—Holis­tic prac­ti­tion­ers dig into the patient’s health his­to­ry to find the ele­ments caus­ing the phys­i­cal symp­toms. They rec­om­mend approach­es that address all of these issues.
  • Empow­er­ing the patient in their jour­neyHolis­tic med­i­cine helps patients take con­trol over their health and well­ness. Patients see the ben­e­fits of eat­ing bet­ter and exer­cis­ing more. They are giv­en the tools to help their bod­ies heal on their own.
  • Bet­ter out­comes—When treat­ing the whole body, holis­tic prac­ti­tion­ers are bet­ter able to help patients achieve whole body well­ness, rather than just mask­ing symptoms
  • Merg­ing con­ven­tion­al and holis­tic treat­ments—Holis­tic prac­ti­tion­ers tap into tra­di­tion­al med­ical prac­tices to help patients. They do not neglect sci­ence and mod­ern treat­ments, but rather focus on using them with holis­tic ther­a­pies to help patients feel well.

We offer:


Ion­ic Foot Detox

Peri Steam­ing

Red Light Therapy

Com­pres­sion Therapy

Well­ness Consultations

Are you ready to try a more natural approach to your health? 

Call us today to get started. 


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