Facials & Body Treatments

Facials, Body Wraps and Body Scrubs


Signature Facial: $65

Relax and unwind with this 60 minute facial. This includes a thor­ough cleanse and exfo­li­a­tion of the skin with steam, facial mas­sage, a face mask based on your skin’s needs and is fin­ished with a ton­er and mois­tur­iz­er to leave you and your skin feel­ing brand new.

Lunchtime Mini Facial: $45

This 30 minute facial is exact­ly the quick pick-me-up you and your skin need. This includes a cleanse and exfo­li­a­tion of the skin with steam, a pres­sure point mas­sage, ton­er, and mois­tur­iz­er to revi­tal­ize your skin. 

Deluxe Facial: $100

This deluxe 90 minute facial is all the relax­ation you could need. This includes a thor­ough cleanse with steam and a pres­sure point mas­sage to have you ful­ly relaxed before the exfo­li­a­tion. Facial mas­sage, extrac­tions, a face mask based on your skin’s needs and is fin­ished off with ton­er and mois­tur­iz­er, as well as a lip and eye treatment. 

Brightening Facial: $75

Strug­gling with dull tex­tured skin? This facial helps to light­en and soft­en rough skin. This 60 minute facial includes a thor­ough cleanse with steam. A deep exfo­li­a­tion, a mask to soft­en and bright­en your skin, a relax­ing neck and shoul­der mas­sage, and is fin­ished off with a serum based on your needs and moisturizer. 

Lift & Smooth Facial $80

This facial will instant­ly tight­en and smooth your skin. This 60 minute facial includes a thor­ough cleanse and exfo­li­a­tion with steam. The mag­ic hap­pens when the firm­ing pep­tide mask is applied. This facial is fin­ished off with serum, ton­er, and moisturizer. 

Luxe Back Facial $65

Give that hard to reach area the TLC it needs. This 60 minute treat­ment is exact­ly what it sounds like: a facial for your back. 

Add Ons

Eye Treat­ment $10

Lip Treat­ment $10

High Fre­quen­cy $15


Body Wraps & Scrubs

What is a body wrap?

A body wrap is a results-ori­ent­ed treat­ment that works on shrink­ing the adi­pose tis­sue which is found direct­ly below the sur­face of the skin. Body wraps elim­i­nate tox­ins and impu­ri­ties that have built up in the body, and help to smooth, tight­en and soft­en your skin.

What are ben­e­fits of body wrapping?

  • Cleans­es body of tox­ins & impurities.
  • Reju­ve­nates & revitalizes.
  • Con­di­tions & soft­ens skin.

How do I pre­pare for a body wrap?

  • Do not eat a big meal right before your wrap. 
  • Do not wear lotion or oil the day of the wrap.
  • Do drink water so you aren’t dehydrated.
  • If you are a female, wear cot­ton panties and bra dur­ing the wrap (a reg­u­lar bra is prefer­able to a sports bra). Male, please wear either box­er-briefs (prefer­able), cot­ton shorts, or boxers.
  • Have dry under­gar­ments to wear afterwards.

The ben­e­fits of exfo­li­a­tion before a body wrap treatment

Exfo­li­a­tion pri­or to the body wrap will remove dead skin cells from the sur­face of the skin, stim­u­late the sweat glands and help to open up the pores. This enables the body wrap for­mu­la to pen­e­trate more thor­ough­ly and effec­tive­ly. More impor­tant­ly, the exfo­li­a­tion will stim­u­late your blood cir­cu­la­tion and lym­phat­ic system. 

**Dis­claimer** Peo­ple with cer­tain med­ical con­di­tions will need to receive writ­ten per­mis­sion from their physi­cian before receiv­ing body treat­ments. These con­di­tions include: Car­diac Con­di­tions, Lupus Ery­the­mato­sus, Adren­al Sup­pres­sion, Mul­ti­ple Scle­ro­sis, Met­al Pins or Rods, Arti­fi­cial Joints, Vari­cose Veins, Acute Joint Injury (1st 48 Hrs), Implant­ed Pace­mak­er, Preg­nan­cy, Dia­betes requir­ing insulin, Kid­neys Mal­func­tions, and Open Wounds.

Detox Sea­weed Body Wrap $115

A puri­fy­ing marine-based treat­ment, loaded with nutri­ent rich ingre­di­ents such as ancient sea salts, brewer’s yeast, and spir­uli­na that cleanse and detox­i­fy the body while restor­ing skins nat­ur­al tone and vital­i­ty. This treat­ment begins with a light exfo­li­a­tion to stim­u­late cir­cu­la­tion and pre­pare the skin to absorb nutri­ents from the solu­tion and then a sea­weed mix­ture is paint­ed over the body. The body is wrapped in ther­mal sheets, tak­ing you to a new dimen­sion of puri­ty and relax­ation. This treat­ment is end­ed with a sooth­ing mas­sage. This helps to detox­i­fy, tight­en and tone your skin. 

NOTE: Con­tains sea­weed. Not to be used if you are aller­gic to iodine or seafood.

Reju­ve­nat­ing Mud Body Wrap $115

A cleans­ing, reju­ve­nat­ing treat­ment with white kaolin clay to draw out impu­ri­ties and your choice of essen­tial oils added to this cus­tom wrap. This treat­ment begins with a light skin brush­ing. Next, an appli­ca­tion of a nat­ur­al mud com­plex is applied which puri­fies and cleans­es the skin. The body is wrapped in ther­mal sheets allow­ing acti­va­tion of the ingre­di­ents and body heat to be retained. This treat­ment ends with a gen­tle appli­ca­tion of hydrat­ing body creme. 

What is a body scrub?

A body scrub is a skin care prod­uct whose pri­ma­ry func­tion is to remove dead skin cells through exfo­li­a­tion as well as cleanse the skin and increase the body’s blood cir­cu­la­tion. Some­times a body scrub is referred to as a body exfo­liant, body gloss or body pol­ish. The exfo­li­at­ing com­po­nent needs to be abra­sive enough to achieve this but not too strong so as not to dam­age healthy skin. 

What are the ben­e­fits of a body scrub?

  • Increas­es blood flow
  • Refresh­es and reju­ve­nates the skin
  • Exfo­li­ates the skin
  • Mois­tur­izes the skin

How do I pre­pare for a body scrub?

  • Do not shave before this treat­ment as it can irri­tate the skin.
  • Do not wear lotion or oil the day of the treatment.

Relieve your body of rough dry skin! Pam­per your skin as we exfo­li­ate your entire body from the neck down using your choice of a salt scrub or a sug­ar scrub. This treat­ment is fin­ished with hot tow­els, a body pol­ish, and gen­tle appli­ca­tion of body oil that is sure to leave you soft, glow­ing, and rejuvenated. 

Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Vir­gin Coconut Sug­ar Scrub $85

This raw, slight­ly more intense exfo­li­at­ing sen­sa­tion of organ­ic cane sug­ar, meets the but­tery-soft and lux­u­ri­ous pure organ­ic vir­gin coconut oil and melts deeply into parched, rough dry skin leav­ing it ever so smooth, soft and hydrated. 

Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Love Your Body Salt Scrub $85

Sus­tain­ably sourced organ­ic baobab oil is rich in vit­a­mins and sterols. Baobab oil absorbs quick­ly and is well bal­anced in ole­ic and linole­ic acids mak­ing it per­fect for dry skin. Blend­ed with fine Atlantic sea salt and organ­ic apple juice pow­der, cre­at­ing an all-over body scrub for exfo­li­at­ing and leav­ing skin soft, mois­tur­ized and glowing. 

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